- Bail Bonds, Irvington
- Bakeries, Irvington
- Balloons - Novelty, Toy & Decorative, Irvington
- Bank Supplies & Equipment, Irvington
- Banks, Irvington
- Banquet Halls, Irvington
- Baptist Churches, Irvington
- Barbecue Restaurants, Irvington
- Barber Shops, Irvington
- Barbers, Irvington
- Bars, Irvington
- Bars & Grills, Irvington
- Beauty Consultants, Irvington
- Beauty Salons, Irvington
- Bedding & Linens Stores, Irvington - Bed Sheets, Quilts and Coverlets, Cushions, Pillows, Slipcovers & Bed & Table Linens
- Bedroom Furniture Stores, Irvington - Master & Kids Bedroom Furniture Sets & Beds
- Beer & Wine Stores, Irvington
- Beer Taverns, Irvington
- Beverage & Juice Bottlers Manufacturers, Irvington
- Beverage Manufacturers, Irvington
- Beverage Non-Alcoholic Manufacturers, Irvington
- Beverage Stores, Irvington
- Bible Church, Irvington
- Bistros, Irvington
- Blueprint Service, Irvington - Blueprinting Services
- Board Of Education, Irvington
- Boiler Repair & Cleaning, Irvington
- Book Stores, Irvington
- Bookcases & Bookstands, Irvington
- Books, Magazines & Newspapers Stores, Irvington - Bookstores
- Bottling Manufacturing, Irvington
- Boutiques & Boutique Items, Irvington
- Brake Service & Repair, Irvington - Brake Pads
- Brass & Brass Products, Irvington
- Breakfast Restaurants, Irvington
- Brick Masonry & Bricklayer Contractors, Irvington - Brick Mason - Install & Repair
- Builders & Contractors, Irvington
- Builders & Contractors - More, Irvington
- Building & House Movers & Raising Contractors, Irvington
- Building & Property Maintenance & Services, Irvington
- Building Construction Consultants, Irvington - Construction Management & Consulting
- Building Materials & Supplies, Irvington
- Burglar Alarm Systems, Irvington
- Bus Rental & Charter Bus Service, Irvington
- Business & Professional Associations, Irvington
- Business Brokers, Irvington
- Business Communication Consultants, Irvington
- Business Legal Services, Irvington
- Business Management Consultants, Irvington
- Business Services, Irvington
- Business, Vocational & Technical, Irvington